What could be better than a

Harrison K-9* Young Adult or Puppy

Experiencing the Specialness of a New puppy for you and your family is one of the greatest gifts imaginable. Harrison K-9 brings the Finest European German Shepherd puppies and young adults to families all over. Our contacts in Europe allow us to obtain the most exclusive bloodlines available. Whether it’s the fabulous Show lines that compete annually for the coveted title of World Sieger, or the Super Working K-9s that fascinate millions with their agility and speed, Harrison K-9 can find them for you.

Each imported puppy is evaluated by a professional trainer to help make sure you are provided with the best choice for your family’s needs. Just like one size doesn’t fit all, puppies must be tested, and the bloodlines researched. Harrison K-9 provides over 49 years of experience in European Pedigrees and German Shepherd personalities. Allow us to help guide you in the best choice for you and your family.

Prices for puppies include all research and shipping from Europe and Customs fees. We handle all the documentation for you. The cost ranges from $5K to $7K depending on the puppy imported.

Young adults are the teenagers of the German Shepherd world and usually, while past the initial housebreaking issues and young puppy behavior, are not fully trained. They are imprinted in a trainer’s home and have all the foundation needed to develop into Fully trained K-9s for a fraction of the cost. Finishing them with a local trainer or working dog club is in the hands of the new family.

Prices for Young adults are $25K to $27K.

Please call us at 803-649-5936 or email at to speak directly with a staff member about what choice of puppy is best for you.


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